Butterfly Dog, Coffee Shop Prank, & Ridiculous Status Posts


Step your status game up, share these…

20 Ridiculous Facebook Posts:

  1. Government shutdown day 8: Electricity still works. Water is still running. No cool gangs to join yet.
    Worst apocalypse ever.
  2. That awkward moment when everything is silent and your phone goes off.
  3. Just keep scrolling. Got nothing.
  4. It’s called sarcasm, and it confuses stupid people.
  5. Usually relationships end when people get tired of pretending to be the person their partner likes.
  6. I think I dislocated my dignity.
  7. I strongly believe that when the crosswalk timer runs out a trapdoor should open and swallow the people who failed to make it across in time.
  8. Be honest, you haven’t even walked a mile in your own shoes.
  9. Nice to see so many people putting so much effort into accomplishing nothing. Keep up the good work.
  10. It would serve me better if they put shopping carts in the middle of the store where my pride realizes I have too much shit to carry.
  11. Recipe for the greatest nights:
    1. Unplanned
    2. Random
    3. Spontaneous
  12. I miss you, but I’d rather not bother you.
  13. I’m not perfect. I’m original.
  14. Strict parents create the sneakiest kids.
  15. Why insult someone when you can say something nice in a very sarcastic tone.
  16. How I put on my pants: *Left leg*, *Right leg*, ” Wiggle*, *Wiggle*, *Jump*, *Jump*, *Squat*, *Stretch* Done.
  17. Things I’m bad at: singing. Things I do a lot: sing.
  18. “Please, tell me more about the drama in your life via Facebook.” -Nobody, ever.
  19. If you still think about it, you still care about it.
  20. I like turtles because they’re so chill. They don’t hurt anyone. They’re just like, Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce.

Yesterdays Status Updates…

Butterfly Dog…

butterfly dog

Love to see pups in nature! So cute 🙂

EPIC Coffee Shop Prank


That’s a great viral advertisement for the upcoming movie, Carrie! Are you going to see it now??? Or, are you scared?

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